Page 1 - index
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B rief Report on Field Trial of Albit /
Rapport concernant l'application de 1'Albit®

Agricultural crop / Culture winter or spring / Espece $Ae ( jj n U t o ^ )
Variety /Variété ~ y __________
Location of trial (farm, region, country)Lieu du champs d'essais Adresse ,Région, Pays- I)
Ls. Fou SSQ {• Г )У О О Х /.< 4 » v O U S t 'y _________
Experimental field area, ha / Surface ares/ ha 9 ? Uq___________________
Date of sowing / Date semis % - 4 0 - ген -Y_____________________________
Date of harvesting /Date récolte \0 ~ 0 7 ~
Soil and how it was treated (e.g. Chernozem, по-till) /Chractéristique du sol (Travaile du so l, no-
titt) af eco f Climatic- traits of the year (e.g. drought in JulyfJVomts climatiques importantes fsec en Juillet)

Number of treatments with Albit / Nombre de traitement Albij4nko иЛ
Application rate of Albit (e.g. 40 m/t + 50 ml/ha) /Quantité d'Albt (ex. 40 ml + 50 ml)

Amount of working solution (e.g. 10 l/t. + 300 l/ha) /Quelle est la quantité de travail (ex- 300 It/ha)
<2 00 I - Щ ---------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------
Terms of application of Albit, what chemical pesticides it was combined with (e.g. in stage of
tillering in mix with herbicides) /Date des applications d'Albit, avec quelles Pesticides^En quelles
stades de la
culture) £ le >(0 - 0 5 - г°Л1 Z ç F o ^ c U ^ O
Other pesticides and fertilizers applied (e.g. N30P50 into soil before sowing and fungicide Rex Duo 2
l/ha in stage of flowering) /Autres Pesticides ou engrais appliqué () ^ _____ ______________

Yield in control (no Albit treatment) /Observations au contrôle sans Albit Q
lt» ^ у е ц s f v C Î S e _____________________________________________________
Yield m the variant treated with ^ Albit / Observations et contrôle avec
1 Albit | Q p/dwl-e pQS S Ivg S9c___________________________________________

Yield increase due to the treatment with Albit (kg/ha, %) ) a f Lq Rendement en
raison du traitement avec Albit '(kg / ha,%)

Influence of Albit upon diseases (e.g. severity o f rust decreased by 40%) !)
_____________ Influence de Albit sur les maladies (par exemple la gravité de la
rouille a diminué de 40%)

Other important observations (e.g. germination of seeds treated with Albit increased by 10-12% )

__________D'autres observations importantes (par exemple, la germination des semences traitées
avec Albit augmenté de 10-

Farmer (Head of the organization) / Responsable de l'application Со>
‘Attested’ — Official distributor of Albit LLC / Distributeur officid]e?f 7 а в р ш и й . .
neiai et Pierre Leuenberoer
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------^----------Route de Faoug if.
Trial report fornuloc Page 1 of 2 - CH-1583 Villarepc;