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^trader L AkMSLL^ innovativ - nachhaltig - ganzheitlich

Kurzbericht Feldversuch Albit®
Brief Report on Field Trial of Albit®

Kultur / Agricultural crop:

Sorte / Variety:

Standort / Location of trial (farm, region, country):
Austria/Upperaustria/ Region Hausruckviertl

Versuchsfläche / Experimental field area, ha:

Aussaatdatum+Sästärke / Date of sowing, seed rate:
27th April, 112kg/ha or 170 kemels/ha

Erntedatum / Date of harvesting:
23th September

Bodentyp+Bodenbearbeitung / Soil and how it was treated:
loamy clay; plough, rotary harrow

Wetterverlauf im Jahr / Climatic traits of the year (e.g. drought in July):
wet and cold may; much water beginning of June, hot and drought July and August

Anzahl der Anwendungen / Number of applications:
2x Albit with herbicides

Applikation: Datum, Menge, Technik (Spritze,Bewässerung), solo oder mit
Pestizidanwendung / Date of application, application rates, and technique of application,
(1.April, 40 ml/ha, sprayer, mixed with herbicides):
1) herbicide+40 ml Albit (400ml Pulsar +7,5g Harmony7,5g), 15th May
2) herbicide (400 ml Pulsar +7,5g Harmony7,5g), 17th June
3) herbicide + 40 ml Albit (1 liter fusilade max pro), 27th June

Spritzmenge inkl. Wasser / Amount of working solutio:

Andere PSM+Düngemaßnahmen / Other pesticides and fertilizers applied:
no fertilizer

Ertrag+Qualität in der Kontrolle / Yield+quality in control (no Albit treatment):
yield without Albit ca. 2200kg/ha, measured protein content: 39%

Agrotrader Agrarhandel Dipl.-Ing. Christian Gangl Agrarhandel, Edramsbergerstraße 49, A-4073 Wilhering
Tel: +43 664 73 57 69 65, Fax: +43 720 53 00 42-9,
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