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Brief Report on Field Trial of Albit@ /

Agricultural crop: Canola
winter or spring: Spring
Variety: Campino
Location of trial: Våistankvarn experimental farm, Inkoo, Finland
Experimental field area, ha: 0.1
Date of sowing: 6.5.2011
Date of harvesting: 1.9.2011
Soil and how it was treated: Sandy clay, conventional tillage
Climatic traits of the year: Normal conditions

Number of treatments with Albit I
Application rate of Albit: 60 mVha
Amount of working solution: 200llha
Terms of application of Albit, what chemical pesticides it was combined with: In 2Jeaf stage in
combination with herbicide Galera
Other pesticides and fenilizers applied: Fertilizer l20kgNÄra placed into soil when sowing

Yield in control: 2 330 kg/haand oilcontent 39,8 Yo
Yield in the variant treated with Albit: 2 354 kdha and oilcontent 40,3 o/o
Yield increase due to the treatnent with Albit: 24kgtha
Influence of Albit upon diseases: -
Other important observations: -

Farmer (Head of the organizatron): Patrik Erlund , Head of the trials at Viistankvam experimental

Attested Official distributor of Albit
17.1.2012 Mats Antas Nordic Agn Oy
Date, signature, seal

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