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D f i e i r V C J J U I l U H J T 1 C 1 U 1 1 Ш 1 U I / \ 1 U 1 I /
Rapport concernant l'application de Г Albit®

Agricultural crop / Culture: Canola winter

Variety /Variété: Visby
Location of trial / Lieu du champs d'essais Adresse: CH-1115 Vuillerens, Switzerland
Experimental field area / Surface ares: 4.4 ha

Date of sowing / Date semis: 16.08.2011
Date of harvesting /Date récolte: 13.07.2012

Soil and how it was treated / Caractéristique du sol: treatment with disc harrow and cultivator
Climatic traits of the year / Points climatiques importantes: spring dry and cool, wet summer with
major temperature fluctuations
Number of treatments with Albit / Nombre de traitement Albit: lx with Insecticide

Application rate of Albit /Quantité d'Albit: 35 ml/ha / 35 мл/га
Amount of working solution / Quelle est la quantité de travail: 250 1

Terms of application of Albit / Date des applications d'Albit: 10.05.2012
Other pesticides and fertilizers applied / Autres Pesticides ou engrais appliqué: standard
insecticide treatments
Yield in control /Observations au contrôle sans Albit: observations 1 day after treatment -
destruction of 60% rape shiny beetle

Yield in the variant treated with Albit / Observations et contrôle avec Г Albit: observations 1 day
after treatment - destruction of 100% rape shiny beetle. The curative effect of insecticide was
dramatically enforced due to the addition of Albit.

Yield increase due to the treatment with Albit / Rendement en raison du traitement avec Albit:
+400 kg/ha

Influence of Albit upon diseases / Influence de Albit sur les maladies: observations 1 day after
treatment - complete destruction of rape shiny beetle.

Farmer (Head of the organization) / Responsable de l'application:
Steiner Rudolf

Official distributor of Albit LLC
PL Agri-Service Route de Faoug 18 1583 VILLAREPOS (Date, signature, seal)


Route de Faoug 18
CH-1583 Villarepos